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"The Unholy Crusade" by Lochlainn Seabrook
"The Hampton Roads Conference: The Southern View" by Lochlainn Seabrook
"Give This Book to a Yankee" by Lochlainn Seabrook
"Abraham Lincoln: The Southern View" by Lochlainn Seabrook
"The Unquotable Abraham Lincoln" by Lochlainn Seabrook
Slavery 101: Amazing Facts You Never Knew About America's "Peculiar Institution"
"Confederate Blood and Treasure: An Interview With Lochlainn Seabrook"
"Honest Jeff and Dishonest Abe: A Southern Children's Guide to the Civil War"
"Lincolnology: The Real Abraham Lincoln Revealed in His Own Words" by L Seabrook
"The Great Impersonator" by Lochlainn Seabrook
"Nathan Bedford Forrest and the Ku Klux Klan: Yankee Myth, Confederate Fact"
"A Rebel Born" award winning Nathan Bedford Forrest biography
"Nathan Bedford Forrest and African-Americans" by Lochlainn Seabrook
"Nathan Bedford Forrest and The Battle of Fort Pillow" by Lochlainn Seabrook
"Mysterious Invaders" by Lochlainn Seabrook
"Vitamin D: The Miracle Treatment for Nearly Every Disease and Health Issue"
"Abraham Lincoln Was a Liberal, Jefferson Davis Was a Conservative"
"Everything You Were Taught About American Slavery is Wrong, Ask a Southerner!"
"Lincoln's War: The Real Cause, The Real Winner, The Real Loser"
Everything You Were Taught About the Civil War is Wrong, Ask a Southerner!
"The New Revelation" by Arthur Conan Doyle
"The Hormesis Effect: The Miraculous Healing Power of Radioactive Stones"
"Authentic Victorian Ghost Stories" by Lochlainn Seabrook
"The Divine Three Manual"
"The Hormesis Effect" and "The Divine Three Manual"
"All We Ask is to be Let Alone: The Southern Secession Fact Book" by L. Seabrook
"The Concise Book of Owls" by Lochlainn Seabrook
Owl Suncatcher
"North America's Amazing Mammals" by Lochlainn Seabrook
"Sea Raven Press Blank Page Journal"
"The Greatest Jesus Mystery of All Time" by Lochlainn Seabrook
"The Articles of Confederation Explained" by Lochlainn Seabrook
"Victorian Confederate Poetry" by Lochlainn Seabrook
"Seabrook's Complete Battle Book: War Between the States, 1861-1865"
"Jesus and the Gospel of Q" by Lochlainn Seabrook
"The Book of Kelle: An Introduction to Goddess-Worship" by Lochlainn Seabrook