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"Abraham Lincoln: The Southern View" by Lochlainn Seabrook
SRP Civil War "As They Were Seen By Their Contemporaries" Book Collection
"Give This Book to a Yankee" by Lochlainn Seabrook
"Confederate Monuments" by Lochlainn Seabrook
"Confederacy 101" by Lochlainn Seabrook
"I Rode with Forrest!" by Lochlainn Seabrook
"The Unholy Crusade" by Lochlainn Seabrook
"Heroes of the Southern Confederacy" by Lochlainn Seabrook
"I, Confederate: Why Dixie Seceded and Fought in the Words of Southern Soldiers"
We Called Him Jeb: James Ewell Brown Stuart As He Was Seen By His Contemporaries
"Nathan Bedford Forrest and The Battle of Fort Pillow" by Lochlainn Seabrook
"The Historical Art of John Paul Strain" 2nd Edition Coffee Table Book
"The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government" Hardcover Ed. Vols. 1 and 2
"The Alexander H. Stephens Reader" by Lochlainn Seabrook
"The Blakeneys: An Etymological, Ethnological, and Genealogical Study"
"The Caudills: An Etymological, Ethnological, and Genealogical Study"
"The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government" - Paperback ed. Vols. 1 and 2
"Saddle, Sword, and Gun: A Biography of Nathan Bedford Forrest for Teens"
"The Quotable Alexander H. Stephens" by Lochlainn Seabrook
"All We Ask is to be Let Alone: The Southern Secession Fact Book" by L. Seabrook