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"Confederacy 101" by Lochlainn Seabrook
"The Hampton Roads Conference" by Lochlainn Seabrook
"Confederate Monuments" by Lochlainn Seabrook
"Give This Book to a Yankee" by Lochlainn Seabrook
SRP Civil War "As They Were Seen By Their Contemporaries" Book Collection
"Abraham Lincoln: The Southern View" by Lochlainn Seabrook
"I, Confederate: Why Dixie Seceded and Fought in the Words of Southern Soldiers"
"Heroes of the Southern Confederacy" by Lochlainn Seabrook
"Slavery 101" by Lochlainn Seabrook
"Honest Jeff and Dishonest Abe: A Southern Children's Guide to the Civil War"
"A Rebel Born" - Award winning Civil War book by Lochlainn Seabrook
"The God of War" by Lochlainn Seabrook
"Nathan Bedford Forrest and The Battle of Fort Pillow" by Lochlainn Seabrook
"Lincoln's War: The Real Cause, The Real Winner, The Real Loser"
"The Ultimate Civil War Quiz Book" by Lochlainn Seabrook
"Everything You Were Taught About the Civil War is Wrong," by L. Seabrook
"America's Three Constitutions" by Lochlainn Seabrook
"Lincolnology: The Real Abraham Lincoln Revealed in His Own Words" by L Seabrook
"The Great Impersonator" by Lochlainn Seabrook
"Nathan Bedford Forrest and the Ku Klux Klan: Yankee Myth, Confederate Fact"