AMAZON REVIEW, FIVE STARS - "GREAT AND REFRESHING!": "I have just purchased this book and have only just begun it, but it is great. I can hardly put it down. It is well-written and completely refreshing. It is thoroughly documented, so few worries that it is a wild-eyed tirade without academic standards or merit. I cannot wait to devour this book, and will update my comments when done! Even if you are a loyal Lincolnite, read this book for some perspective and Truth that you may have been missing along the way." - AMERICAN
AUTHOR: Lochlainn Seabrook.
FOREWORD: Clint Johnson (author of the bestseller The Politically Incorrect Guide to the South, and Why It Will Rise Again).
CONTENT: adult nonfiction.
SUBJECTS: American Civil War, U.S. presidents, biography, military history, political history.
ILLUSTRATED: yes (b/w).
SIZE: 5.5” x 8.5”.
LENGTH: 654 pages.
COVER: paperback/perfect bound/matte finish; hardcover/case laminate/matte finish.
PUBLISHER: Sea Raven Press.
ISBN: 978-0-9827700-0-9 (paperback).
ISBN: 978-1-943737-21-5 (hardcover).
Nearly everything you’ve been taught about Abraham Lincoln comes from pro-North authors and publishers. So if you want to know who he really was, you’ll need to read about him from the South’s perspective.
In Abraham Lincoln: The Southern View, award-winning author and Lincoln scholar Colonel Lochlainn Seabrook provides an in-depth look at our sixteenth president as seen through the eyes of Dixie. Revealed is a man completely unknown to most Americans, both North and South; an unscrupulous demagogue and anti-Christian liberal who broke hundreds of laws; ignored and even subverted the Constitution; appointed socialists and communists to important administrative and military positions; used money from the Yankee slave trade to fund his war; sanctioned the murder of both Southern blacks (who would not enlist in the Union army) and harmless Southern noncombatants (including women and children); had tens of thousands of innocent Northerners arrested, imprisoned, and sometimes tortured and executed without charge or trial; rigged the 1860 and 1864 elections; confiscated and destroyed private property; censored governmental debate over secession; perpetuated the first mass execution (in this case, of Native-Americans) by a U.S. president, and more. Throughout all of this Southern historians like Col. Seabrook estimate that some 3 million Americans, of all races, died in direct consequence of his actions.
While he publicly declared that his goal was to “preserve the Union,” he actually destroyed it. And when he later tried to alter the character of the War with his fake and illegal Emancipation Proclamation, he was formulating plans behind closed doors to deport all blacks out of America, “back to their native land,” as he phrased it earlier on August 21, 1858. Lincoln’s true agenda, as Col. Seabrook shows, was to demolish the idea of states’ rights in the South and install big government in the North. And, as the staunch supporter of American apartheid himself stated repeatedly, he was willing to do this with or without ending slavery.
With nearly 3,000 footnotes and a 1,000-book bibliography, Abraham Lincoln: The Southern View is an important, well documented work that will appeal to all those interested in authentic U.S. and Confederate history. Includes the full text of communist leader Karl Marx’s 1864 congratulatory letter to Lincoln. You will never look at our 16th president or his War the same way again.
Available in paperback and hardcover. All text and images copyright © Sea Raven Press.
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