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AMAZON REVIEW, FIVE STARS: “Much has been written of Jesus of Nazareth. His presence is felt the world over. He’s loved and respected by most, but many of these same people still aren’t sure what to make of him. They sense that this desert prophet’s sayings are of vital importance, but cannot access them as they are cryptic and deliberately corrupted by fundamenalists of all stripes. Cut through all of the noise by purchasing this volume! What did Jesus mean when he referred to himself as the ‘Son of God’? Why did he teach that the Kingdom is ‘within’? Why did he buck established norms by proclaming ‘ye are gods’? Lochlainn Seabrook’s book Christ is All and In All reveals the truth!” - TYLER SETH HINDS


AUTHOR: Lochlainn Seabrook
FOREWORD: Dr. Jeremy Lopez (world renowned Christian minister and author)
CONTENT: adult nonfiction
SUBJECTS: Christianity, spiritual growth, Bible studies, Jesus, St. Paul, self-help
ILLUSTRATED: yes (b/w)
SIZE: 5.5” x 8.5”
LENGTH: 126 pages
COVER: paperback/perfect bound/gloss finish; hardcover/case laminate/matte finish
PUBLISHER: Sea Raven Press
ISBN: 978-0-9913779-0-9 (paperback)
ISBN: 978-1-943737-90-1 (hardcover)


Mainstream Christianity today teaches that Jesus was the only divine person who ever lived. But this is not what Jesus Himself taught! Like all of the great spiritual leaders throughout history, the Master from Galilee preached the doctrine of Theosis, God in Man, maintaining that we are literal "gods" of our own inner realm. The Apostles, especially Paul and John, the Old Testament prophets, and every single one of the early Church Fathers, also vigorously upheld the concept of Theosis: humanity’s oneness with God.


Due to its 2,000 year suppression by the institutionalized Church, however, most modern Christians are completely unaware of this wonderful and empowering doctrine. But all of that has changed.


Award-winning Christian author, historian, and Bible authority Colonel Lochlainn Seabrook has written Christ Is All and In All, a brief but stunningly powerful and revealing exploration of our Divine Nature and what our Lord referred to as "the Kingdom Within." The book’s title, taken from Paul’s letter to the Jesus community at Colossae, perfectly reflects the contents of this revolutionary, life-altering work. In it you will learn the many secrets of Theosis, carefully withheld from the Christian laity for nearly 100 generations. These include what it is that makes you divine, why God purposefully created you this way, and how you can use this amazing fact to enhance your life. Col. Seabrook also shows you how to do what Jesus called "enter the Kingdom of Heaven," a mystical but very real spiritual domain where "with God all things are possible," such as healing disease, attaining prosperity, and finding happiness.


For academics and those interested in scriptural proof of Theosis, there are over 600 endnotes citing thousands of biblical passages, as well as copious quotes from the theosistic writings of ancient Church authorities, among them Irenaeus, Augustine, and Thomas Aquinas. An illustrated, beautifully designed, ecumenical work that can be read and understood by all Christians—whatever their personal views—Christ Is All and In All can also be enjoyed by non-Christians and even nonbelievers, for Theosis is not only a spiritual reality, it is also a scientific one.


This truly transformational, inspiring, and uplifting book about the universal Indwelling Christ, which Paul referred to as "the Son in me," and which the Apostle John called "the true Light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world," belongs in every Christian home and Church library.


Available in paperback and hardcover. All text and images copyright © Sea Raven Press.


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"Christ is All and In All" by Lochlainn Seabrook



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