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AMAZON REVIEW, FIVE STARS: “There’s a ton of stuff powerpacked into Colonel Lochlainn Seabrook’s Christmas Before Christianity. . . . This comprehensive but concise volume is a wonderful go-to for those interested in the Christianization of pagan religious culture. . . . For a primer and reference volume pertaining to this fascinating evolution in religious thought and culture, Christmas Before Christianity is one of Seabrook’s several fascinating books on Christianity’s oft overlooked foundations.” - KRISTOFER UPJOHN

AUTHOR: Lochlainn Seabrook
CONTENT: adult nonfiction
SUBJECTS: Christmas, religion, Christianity, mythology, heliology, Paganism, European history
ILLUSTRATED: yes (b/w)
SIZE: 5.5” x 8.5”
LENGTH: 300 pages
COVER: paperback/perfect bound/matte finish; hardcover/case laminate/matte finish
PUBLISHER: Sea Raven Press
ISBN: 978-0-9821899-8-6 (paperback)
ISBN: 978-1-943737-61-1 (hardcover)

Note: The cover of this book, like the book covers of all our other titles, is available as an 11" x 17" poster.


No one knows what day Jesus was born, his birthday was not celebrated in the First Century, Christmas is not mentioned in the Bible, and the holiday was banned by English and American Christians in the 1600s. Why then do we observe His birthday on December 25? A clue comes from the early Church Fathers, who declared that “Christianity has always existed and was practiced by Pagans long prior to the birth of Jesus.” Thus, according to the highest Church authorities, Christianity, and in turn Christmas, predated Christ. How is this possible?


Award-winning Christian author, Bible scholar, and Southern historian Colonel Lochlainn Seabrook provides the answer in his fascinating and exhaustively researched book Christmas Before Christianity. The spiritual truths which form the basis of Christianity were already well known to prehistoric peoples, who held a special reverence for our neighborhood star, the Sun, which they variously called Krs, Crs, Hrs, Krst, Karas, Karast, Kris, Krish, Krist, and Chris. During the Graeco-Roman period, these words, along with the many religious beliefs and myths that accompanied them, were absorbed as Chrestos or Christos, which became “Christ” in modern English, assimilating the prehistoric Sun-God into the ancient Son-God.


Ten years in the making, Christmas Before Christianity is a fast-reading but in-depth 300-page work based on comparative religion and comparative mythology (as well as archaeology, social anthropology, and etymology), that explores the vast pre-Christian foundations of humanity’s most popular holiday, including the many Pagan gods, goddesses, myths, rituals, legends, ceremonies, customs, and beliefs that contributed to its creation and development. Every facet of Christmas is examined, from the religious views of prehistoric vegetation cults with their emphasis on astrology and a female supreme being, to the astronomical origins of the Nativity story and Santa Claus; from the practice of decorating Christmas trees, hanging stockings, lighting candles, burning the Yule log, singing carols, and exchanging gifts, to the traditions of displaying holly, wreaths, and mistletoe, eating plum pudding, candies, turkey, and mince pie, drinking cider and eggnog, performing pantomime, and giving out Christmas cards. Though Col. Seabrook examines the origins of Christmas traditions of countries and societies all over the world, special emphasis is laid on ancient Egypt, where a majority of our modern “Christmas traditions” can be traced.  


Christmas Before Christianity: How the Birthday of the “Sun” Became the Birthday of the “Son” is a sensational work that will not only provoke discussion, but will also inspire a renewed appreciation for both the religion of our Lord and for the sacred annual celebration of His birth.


“Southern Conservatives, U.S. President Thomas Jefferson and Confederate General Albert Pike, both who were appalled by the Paganization of the historical Jesus, would have heartily endorsed this book.” - THE PUBLISHER, SEA RAVEN PRESS


Available in paperback and hardcover. All text and images copyright © Sea Raven Press.

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"Christmas Before Christianity" by L. Seabrook

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