REVIEW: "If you're only familiar with the Yankee/Northern/Union/Left-wing version of the American Civil War, the War for Southern Independence, this important little primer - featuring a hard-hitting interview with award-winning Southern historian Lochlainn Seabrook - will be a revelation!" - THE PUBLISHER
AUTHOR: Lochlainn Seabrook
CONTENT: adult nonfiction
SUBJECTS: American Civil War, author interview, Southern history, military history, political history
ILLUSTRATED: yes (b/w)
SIZE: 5.5” x 8.5”
LENGTH: 54 pages
COVER: paperback/perfect bound/matte finish; hardcover/case laminate/matte finish
PUBLISHER: Sea Raven Press
ISBN: 978-0-9913779-9-2 (paperback)
ISBN: 978-1-955351-13-3 (hardcover)
Novelist James R. Elstad's interview with award-winning Southern historian and Civil War scholar Colonel Lochlainn Seabrook took place between March and July 2015. Excerpted from Elstad's book Questions From the North; Answers From the South, the interview is presented here in its entirety.
Though brief, Confederate Blood and Treasure: An Interview With Lochlainn Seabrook (Col. Seabrook's title for this work) provides an ideal introduction to Lincoln's War as seen through the eyes of the South. Among other items of interest, you will learn why the Confederate Flag should be honored by all Americans, why Lincoln will always be detested in the South, why Robert E. Lee will always be revered across Dixie, who is really responsible for American slavery, why the War Between the States was illegal, unjust, and unnecessary, and why it is still highly relevant today. This illustrated, fact-based, information-packed defense of the South is a must-have for both beginners and seasoned Civil War buffs.
Lochlainn Seabrook is a seasoned historian with over 100 books to his name. A winner of the prestigious Jefferson Davis Historical Gold Medal and a Kentucky Colonel, the well-respected author is one of the most prolific, multi-genre, non-fiction authors in the world today.
Available in paperback and hardcover. All text and images copyright © Sea Raven Press.
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