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"Give 'Em Hell Boys! The Complete Military Correspondence of Nathan Bedford Forrest"


REVIEW: “Great book. As always, super well done by Colonel Seabrook. Researched extremely well. If you want the truth without holes. Details with timelines. No dates left out. Get this book.” - JOHN BULL BADER


AUTHOR: Lochlainn Seabrook.
CONTENT: adult nonfiction.
SUBJECTS: American Civil War, military history, military leaders, Southern history.
ILLUSTRATED: yes (b/w).
SIZE: 5.5” x 8.5”.
LENGTH: 312 pages.
COVER: paperback/perfect bound/gloss finish; hardcover/case laminate/matte finish.
PUBLISHER: Sea Raven Press.
ISBN: 978-0-9838185-6-4 (paperback).
ISBN: 978-1-943737-20-8 (hardcover).

While most Forrest biographies discuss his military career in great detail, what they do not provide is the General's own perspective of the conflict. In his one-of-a-kind book, award-winning author, Lochlainn Seabrook handily remedies this situation. Neatly divided into five sections for each year of Lincoln's War, as the subtitle indicates, the book encompasses all of the General's military correspondence, from 1861 to 1865. In the 300 fascinating footnoted entries included, we find Forrest's reports, dispatches, orders, returns, letters, notes, communiques, and telegrams, as he himself wrote or dictated them, usually from the battlefield.

His missives were sent out to a wide assortment of Civil War figures, from the president of the Confederacy (Jefferson Davis) and fellow Confederate officers to his Yankee enemies, most of the communications with the latter which ended with unsurprising results: immediate surrender!

Through Forrest's own words, we are able to track not only the progress of the War, but his rise from private to lieutenant general (one rank shy of full general)-the only man on either side to achieve such a feat. Included along with a bibliography and an index are such extras as a historical time line of the highlights of Forrest's life, a list of all of Forrest's engagements, and a section on his recognition by the Confederate Congress.

Like the author's 11 other works on Forrest, Give 'Em Hell Boys! (named after one of his most famous war cries) will help destroy the many anti-South myths surrounding the General, giving him back his rightful place as a lauded American icon. Learn about both Forrest the man and the Rebel officer from the great Confederate chieftain himself, in this captivating read that is sure to become a standard in Civil War literature.

Available in paperback and hardcover. All text and images copyright © Sea Raven Press.


About the Author: Lochlainn Seabrook, a Forrest relative, is a winner of the prestigious Jefferson Davis Historical Gold Medal and a Kentucky Colonel. While he specializes in "Civil War" books, this highly prolific writer and editor has over 100 non-fiction titles in his multi-genre catalog - including twelve books on General Forrest, the most of any writer in history.


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"Give 'Em Hell Boys!" by Lochlainn Seabrook

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