Nathan Bedford Forrest hi-res print, taken from an original engraving from our photographic reprint of Jefferson Davis' 1881 American classic, The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government (note: we carry this book).
Title: “Nathan Bedford Forrest, Cavalryman Extraordinaire.”
Description: Hi-res print of an original Victorian engraving of C.S. General Nathan Bedford Forrest.
Size and paper: 8” X 10” on 110 lb. white “eggshell” cardboard stock.
Color: Black and white, grayscaled.White borders all the way around.
Year original engraving was published: 1868.Engraver: William G. Jackman (fl. 1800s).
Collector-Designer-Editor-Technician-Curator: Lochlainn Seabrook.
Year engraving was reprinted: 2023.
Reprinter: Sea Raven Press.
NOTES: Copyright watermark is not on final product. Your print may vary in color and aspect ratio from image shown.
Now you can own hi-resolution, frameable pieces of authentic historical artwork: Our custom made unretouched prints of engravings from our special Sea Raven Press facsimile reprint of Davis’ American classic work, The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government.
The authenticity of the original engravings has been fully preserved: Our prints come with all of the imperfections you’d expect to find in 142 year old Victorian images, adding realism to their vintage aesthetic qualities. These beautiful one-of-a-kind pieces of historical fine art are available only from Sea Raven Press!
All text and images copyright © Sea Raven Press.
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