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REVIEW: “This companion book to Lochlainn’s book Jesus and the Law of Attraction (which I also own) is a part of my daily morning reading ritual. Every teaching points me to a new scripture for the day. Inspirational!” - DANE BRYANT


AUTHOR: Lochlainn Seabrook

CONTENT: adult nonfiction
SUBJECTS: Bible studies, Law of Attraction, Jesus, self-help, health, success, happiness, mind/body/spirit
ILLUSTRATED: yes (b/w)
SIZE: 5.5” x 8.5”
LENGTH: 128 pages
COVER: paperback/perfect bound/gloss finish; hardcover/case laminate/matte finish
PUBLISHER: Sea Raven Press
ISBN: 978-0-9858632-7-2 (paperback)
ISBN: 978-1-943737-88-8 (hardcover)


From the first page of Genesis to the last page of Revelation, the Bible overflows with thousands of scriptures on one of God’s most spectacular gifts to humanity: the Law of Attraction! While some are obvious, many are buried beneath the traditional arcane language that is so often used by great spiritually enlightened teachers.


In The Bible and the Law of Attraction: 99 Teachings of Jesus, the Apostles, and the Prophets, award-winning author, historian, and Bible authority Colonel Lochlainn Seabrook remedies this situation by bringing to light some of the more powerful Law of Attraction principles recorded in the Good Book. Excerpted from the King James Version, each scripture is explained in modern English, in most cases with a helpful translation of its inner or esoteric meaning.


Among the many lessons you will learn are how to approach God with your requests, the vital importance of thought, faith, and love, how to heal disease, the startling reality of your divine nature, why you are entitled to be happy, healthy, and prosperous, the reasons God wants you to live the good life, how to correctly use your thoughts to “enter the Kingdom of Heaven,” and the true meaning of many of the coded words used by the Bible’s Law of Attraction teachers.


With nearly 650 endnotes and over a thousand scriptural references, The Bible and the Law of Attraction is the perfect guide to get you started on the road to creating your ideal life!


Available in paperback and hardcover. All text and images copyright © Sea Raven Press.


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"The Bible and the Law of Attraction" by Lochlainn Seabrook

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