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REVIEW: “Colonel Seabrook’s popular book The God of War proves, through the voices of those who knew him personally, that Nathan Bedford Forrest was the opposite of how he is described by the mainstream media today. The God of War is another major contribution by the author to Southern literature.” - THE PUBLISHER, SEA RAVEN PRESS


AUTHOR-EDITOR: Lochlainn Seabrook
CONTENT: adult nonfiction
SUBJECTS: Biography, American Civil War, Southern literature, Confederate culture, Victorian society, military history
ILLUSTRATED: yes (b/w)
SIZE: 5.5” x 8.5”
LENGTH: 358 pages
COVER: paperback/perfect bound/gloss finish; hardcover/case laminate/matte finish
PUBLISHER: Sea Raven Press
ISBN: 978-1-943737-65-9 (paperback)
ISBN: 978-1-943737-66-6 (hardcover


If you are interested in learning about the real Nathan Bedford Forrest as opposed to the one-dimensional cardboard villain fabricated by Liberals, then you will want to read The God of War: Nathan Bedford Forrest As He Was Seen By His Contemporaries, by award-winning Southern historian and Forrest scholar Colonel Lochlainn Seabrook. Here you will discover the authentic Forrest in the words of those who actually knew him: Confederate soldiers, Union soldiers, military educators, foreigners, writers, politicians, neighbors, even children - all without the bigoted intrusions of Yankee editorializing, South-hating mythology, and absurd Left-wing lies.


In this generously illustrated work, Col. Seabrook records the memories, anecdotes, stories, and reminiscences of some 200 individuals who knew Forrest, worked with him, served in the Confederate army with him, or faced him on the battlefield. Thrill to the vivid descriptions of the General’s wartime exploits as he tricks, overruns, crushes, and captures one Yankee command after another; of his poverty-stricken childhood on America’s early Western frontier, where he learned self-reliance and grew into a rugged individualist, a political Conservative, and a well-respected multimillionaire; of his charitable work caring for veterans, widows, and orphans after Lincoln’s War, and his bold leadership in seeking to protect and repair the prostrate South during so-called “Reconstruction.”


In the process you will learn that Forrest was not a “devil,” as the vengeful and uneducated Left still likes to portray him, but a sensitive and devout Christian who donated nearly his entire estate to the poor; not a war criminal, but a compassionate Confederate officer who avoided bloodshed whenever possible and used his own doctors to save wounded Yanks; not an illiterate savage on the battlefield, but an ingenious military strategist and tactician who is widely regarded as the greatest cavalry leader in world history; not a drinking and gambling adulterer, but a teetotaling, straitlaced, faithful husband and doting father; not a racist snob, but a fair and egalitarian general who treated everyone equally and who personally enlisted 65 blacks in his cavalry.


Col. Seabrook has also included a chapter of poems honoring Forrest, as well as a fascinating appendices section with articles on the General’s wife Mary Ann, his grandson Nathan Bedford Forrest II, and a complimentary eulogy on the South by U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt, who called Forrest “the most remarkable man produced in either the Union or Confederate armies.”


The God of War is an important work that not only debunks the fake Civil War history churned out by progressives, but which helps preserve authentic Confederate literature and Southern history for this and future generations.

Available in paperback and hardcover. All text and images copyright © Sea Raven Press.


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"The God of War" by Lochlainn Seabrook



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