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DESCRIPTION Patterned on the Constitution of the United States of America, the Constitution of the Confederate States of America was written during February and March 1861 by a committee of twelve Southern political leaders, whose states had recently seceded from the Union. A revolutionary document then as now, its writers and supporters hoped the CS Constitution would continue the conservative values of America's first and purest constitution, the Articles of Confederation, which had been penned expressly for what George Washington officially referred to as a "confederate republic": the freshly formed United States of America. The USA, affectionately called "The Confederacy" from 1781 to 1789, was more informally known as "The Confederate States of America" well into the 1800s. Thus, in March 1861, the Southern Founding Fathers quite naturally choose the latter name for their own newly formed republic. Though the CS Constitution has long been unfairly relegated to the historical scrap heap by the Left, in truth it is more relevant today than it was at the time of its inception, on the eve of Abraham Lincoln's illegal and unnecessary war against states' rights. For, nearly 250 years later, the US government has grown into a bloated socialistic behemoth that would be totally unrecognizable to its own founders — Conservative men who intentionally filled the US Constitution with countless restrictions to prevent this very type of tyrannical overreach and out-of-control expansion. In an effort to remind us of what we have lost, as well as what we might regain in the future, award-winning author and unreconstructed Southern historian Lochlainn Seabrook has brought this important document back to life in his illuminating classic The Constitution of the Confederate States of America Explained. After a brief introduction concerning the history of the CS Constitution, Col. Seabrook takes the reader on an instructional journey of discovery through every one of the document's 103 clauses. Arcane and often undecipherable 18th- and 19th-Century wording is explained in plain English, while the Constitution's numerous political provisions are laid out in simple terms that both the scholar and the layperson will appreciate. An in-depth index and bibliography are included. This is a small but significant work that is sure to change the way you look at the CSA, the USA, and our three American constitutions. Available in paperback and hardcover. (All text and images copyright © Sea Raven Press) Click on “Reviews 2” to see what people are saying about this book. And please leave a positive review on Amazon for us, thanks! DETAILS AUTHOR: Lochlainn Seabrook CONTENT: adult nonfiction SUBJECTS: Constitutional history, constitutional studies, Confederate States of America, American politics, American Southern history ILLUSTRATED: yes (b/w) SIZE: 5.5” x 8.5” LENGTH: 161 pages COVER: paperback/perfect bound/gloss finish; hardcover/case laminate/matte finish PUBLISHER: Sea Raven Press ISBN: 978-0-9838185-8-8 (paperback) ISBN: 978-1-943737-15-4 (hardcover)
"The Constitution of the Confederate States of America Explained" from Sea Raven Press (paperback) "The Constitution of the Confederate States of America Explained" from Sea Raven Press (hardcover)
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