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DESCRIPTION Today educated individuals know that Abraham Lincoln didn’t “preserve the Union” or “abolish slavery.” What then is the true legacy of his war? As award-winning historian Colonel Lochlainn Seabrook reveals in his poignant pictorial, The Unholy Crusade, it was Lincoln’s illegal, unnecessary, and merciless destruction of the South and her people. As proof, Colonel Seabrook provides hundreds of 19th-Century photos and drawings of the North’s four-year demolition of Dixie, ranging from the ransacking and burning of thousands of private Southern homes and businesses, to the bombing of countless mills, factories, trains, ships, roads, depots, forts, docks, bridges, communications, warehouses, churches, banks, and even cemeteries. Southern libraries, universities, hospitals, livestock, and even family pets were wantonly destroyed by Union troops as well. And let us not forget the many incidents of the unlawful arrest, abuse, torture, rape, and murder of scores of innocent Southern civilians - of all ages and races. Why? What did this overt Yankee terrorism, this mindless ruination of the South, have to do with saving the country or emancipation? This emotionally powerful, lavishly illustrated book answers the question! The Unholy Crusade is a must-read for all those interested in the truth behind Lincoln’s War on the Constitution and the Confederacy. Like Colonel Seabrook’s many other “Civil War” books, this well-researched, historically accurate work includes a descriptive introduction, copious notes, an extensive bibliography, and a comprehensive index. Destined to become an American classic. Available in paperback and hardcover. (All text and images copyright © Sea Raven Press) Click on “Reviews 2” to see what people are saying about this book. And please leave a positive review on Amazon for us, thanks! DETAILS AUTHOR: Lochlainn Seabrook CONTENT: adult nonfiction SUBJECTS: American Civil War, Southern history, politics, military, warfare, human rights ILLUSTRATED: yes (b/w) SIZE: 5.5” x 8.5” LENGTH: 216 pages COVER: paperback/perfect bound/gloss finish; hardcover/case laminate/matte finish PUBLISHER: Sea Raven Press ISBN: 978-1-943737-39-0 (paperback) ISBN: 978-1-943737-41-3 (hardcover)
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AMAZON REVIEW, FIVE STARS - “SHOCKING AND SAD DESTRUCTION OF THE SOUTH”: “This book has a history of Sherman’s ‘March to the Sea’ as never before seen in photographs and drawings. The destruction for that time period is almost unbelievable, as one would think this is something one would see in photographs of World War II bombed cities. Lochlainn Seabrook’s The Unholy Crusade is a book that must be in one’s ‘Civil War’ library.” - JOSEPH A. METCHNIKOV
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